Monday, March 24, 2014

Blue Ray

As I intentionally connect to the whole of myself, and I am instantly surrounded by females.  Some would call this The Mother consciousness.  This consciousness includes  The Mary energy, the Magdalene energy, Isis energy, the 7 Pleiadian sister energy and much more.   This is a collective or group consciousness.

Aspects of this group energy has intentionally dense down and appeared to be a solo energy.  Mother Mary for example, appeared to be one solo female who incarnated on planet Earth.  Even though, she could appear as an individual, she never released or removed the collective Female energy.  We have multiple examples of individual women who have incarnated on this planet.  Many of us carry this Female Collective energy.

I see this Female Consciousness as a color, blue.  To me this color feels so alive, nurturing and safe.  I feel this blue color, which I want to call, Blue Ray, is pulsing.  This Blue Ray consciousness is just as real to me, as a human body or animal body.  As odd as it sounds, the color feels even more real to me, than an incarnated body.  Somehow, it is so easy for me to connect and surround myself in this Blue Ray.

Naturally this Blue Ray consciousness surrounds me, like a cocoon.  I feel like a baby swaddled in a blanket. This Blue frequencies spreads far out, the Blue Energy extends way way way past my point of connection.  It extends so far, I can not see where it stops.  Like an ocean that appears to go forever.

I am reminded of a friend who was excited about the Blue Rays years ago.  At that time, I was not able to feel this specific frequency, it felt just like another term or title in the new age community.
Today this Blue Ray frequency is coming in loud and clear.  The more I interact and participate in this group connection, the more "real" she/we are.  I feel like I have permanent buddies with me everywhere I go.  I am never alone.  There is this constant stream of connection to this aspect of my Soul.  This group feels even better than family.  Oh, let me rephrase that.  My old pattern of understanding family had conditions.  This connection feels different, as there are no conditions. I am accepted, whole, honored and adored.  Period.  I do nothing to earn it, I am not judged.  I have nothing to do.  I just Am!

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