Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Multidimensional A,B,C's

In the multidimensional world, we reunite or remember in stages and layers.  I have notice we tend to have gaps or holes in the processes.  Things do not add up or go in a sequential order.  It is a type of mystery waiting to be solved.

Even in our linear 3D reality, we have experienced similar mysteries.  Thinking back to kindergarten.  We learned names of letters, then we learned the sounds of letters.  It did not make sense.  Why does an "s" make a ssssssssssssssssss sound?  How is that useful?  As the layers and stages of the alphabet continued to get revealed to us, the bigger picture started to come in.  Eventually we get to a place where we could put letters together and have their sounds blend together to create a word.

Our multidimensional self is creating in same way.  As Creator Goddesses/Gods, we are remembering the names, sounds and feelings of different aspects of ourselves.  We can then blend together sounds/aspects of our self and create words, realms, dimensions, harmonics, pathways and realities.  We are remembering how to create with our native language.  Multidimensional Imagination is our Universal Language for connection and creation.

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