Sunday, April 14, 2013

Remote Viewing Into My hybrid's Child World

4/13/13 ~ Most intense multidimensional experience to date.  

I came home late, around 2 am.  I noticed, I was seeing cloud/fog like matter around me when I got home.  Something was different.
When I turn off lights to go to sleep, my room is pitch black.  Tonight, there were dim glowing type light to my left.  Then it moved to my right.  Something new was here.  I could feel something that I have not yet accessed before.

I was curious.  I am at a place where I can relax into the experience and I trust something significant is happening, even though I do not logically understand it.
Then I started seeing movie like clips.  I have seen things in my vision for past three years, but tonight, it went to a whole new level.  I would see a toy, then the toy would get up, and start to move around or flip around as if it was a real Being, then lay back down.  Then I would see a new clip of an animal, I would watch the animal for a few seconds, then a new clip would start.  I was seeing adults, animals, symbols, toys.  On and on it went, it the most clear detail images you can imagine.  The random images did not seem to make any sense, but I knew something important was being activated inside of me.

I finally fell asleep, watching all these mini clip like movie scenes.  Today, when I woke up, I had a strong desire to meet a friend for lunch and tell her about my night.  It was the most intense multidimensional experience I have participated in.  At lunch, I forgot all about why I needed to see her.  We talked about everything except my major experience from the night before.  Finally hours later, I remembered.  OMG ~ I told her, I asked you to lunch because I really want to tell you something very important that happened.

I told her the experience.  I could feel her holding energy for the story.  We were both pondering what it meant?  Then, BAM ~ it landed.  All of a sudden I remembered a piece I had forgotten and I understood the whole story.  When I was being shown the movie clips, I saw a face, a child's face.  The face was in soft colors and soft background, so it sort of blended together.  As I was watching the movie clip, I thought, this child feels familiar.  Then it hit me, this is my child.  My child is androgynous, I felt no male nor female energy. 
At the lunch date, the download dropped into my field.  I was remote viewing the people, animals and toys in my hybrid child's life.  I was being shown bits and pieces of my child's world.  It all made sense, all the random images.  Especially the toys, I was so curious why I kept seeing all these toys.

As our frequencies are clearing, expanding and intensifying, we have easier and easier access into each others worlds.  

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