Thursday, November 11, 2010

11-11 at 11:00 Sun Gazing

I have recently started to realize my relationship with the Sun. I was not aware why I was drawn to Sun Gazing the past several months. I simply was. Daily it seemed as if things unfolded and I would be in a direct position to do Sun Gazing. I have seen many images come out of the Sun.

Again, I did not know why, I was just follow what felt fun. Yesterday I "stumbled" (not) upon more information about the Sun. Inside my Akashic Records, I was encouraged to develop a relationship with the Sun. Sure enough, hours later, Kidest (a beautiful friend) sends me this link, and guess what? Guess? ok, ok, I know you already guessed! The video series is all about how we can have an intimate relationship with the Sun!

There is 14 parts, the Sun discussion starts on part 5 or 6, I believe.

Today at 11/11 11:00 I was called to celebrate the aligning energies with Sun Gazing.

I want to share a piece of what I saw. I see many colors and images around the sun. Interestingly, as I was seeing vertical lines of blue, it turned into a oval shape light orange color. Inside the light orange color, was a black, thick substance. It felt like, photos I have seen of dead fecal matter inside the colon. I saw this oval shape with the dead fecal matter, slip downwards and disappear. I hear a message, "a piece of waste has been removed."

It does not feel emotional in a sad or grief way. It feels if to say, "that was easy!". I see more beautiful colors and images, then I am invited to go through the Sun. I actually see a blue doorway. I go through the Sun and I am in a field of Sunflowers. A huge field of sunflowers and children playing and bees buzzing. Simple, easy and carefree!

Happy 11 -11 Friends around the World and Beyond!!


  1. Beautiful!!!

    "...the heart that has truly loved never forgets,
    But as truly loves on to the close,
    As the sunflower turns on her god, when he sets,
    The same look which she turned when he rose."

    the way sunflowers love the sun is the way i see you love life. nom nom nom

  2. Hi, Sabrina.

    I also had a wonderful experience while sun gazing yesterday just before the sunset. I saw a myriad of colorful rays around the white sun. The rays were similar to those of the pic I'm linking to, but there were many more of them and thinner. Could you share with me if what you experienced at any point was similar to this?

