Monday, August 19, 2013

I Am A Pleiadian

I am a multidimensional being.  I have conscious connection to many aspects of self.  
Today I want to share about my Pleiadian aspect. I am a Pleiadian.  I am aslo, a Pleiadian spokesperson.

What can I share about my culture?  The first and most simple piece of information to pass along, is the nature of my essence is playful.  Play is highly important and extremely valued. When I embody playful energy, it opens channels for cosmic mind understanding and knowing.

Play is opposite of trying hard.  Trying hard energy blocks inside channels.  Imagine a tunnel, and if that tunnel has chunks of rocks lodged inside, the inner movement will be stifled.   Inner connection still happens, but at a slower, less powerful manner.

One of the reasons our frequency is so fluid is because of the carefree playful nature.  Even though I am strongly grounded, I do not lock myself into experiences.  My cords of entanglement to people, locations and situations are like bouncy, flexible cords.  

I can feel and express love quickly.  Falling in love, can happen in a nanosecond.  Love at first vibration, at first sight or at first touch is common.  Loving this intensely and easily is judged on planet Earth, some of my incarnated family members have intentionally suppressed this aspect of them self.

Flirting is another natural aspect of my culture.  Affection, touching, eye gazing are very important in our connection.  It is our natural way of being.  Sexuality is not shamed.  On planet Earth they say men have sexual thoughts often, well let me tell you, so do Pleiadians.  
I are not carefree in sexuality.  Sex has important meaning and connection.  I do not judge myself for being a sexual beings, I know it is natural. We are fantastic communicators.  There are no hurt feelings, rejection or manipulation with sexual expression and relationships.

I appear to be simple and I am often underestimated on planet Earth.  This does not offend me, as I have knowing simplicity is evidence of powerful connection to self. 
Authentic self love is one of the most important aspects of being Pleiadian.  We are taught to master self love., Our behavior to self and others is the way we measure our self love.  It is easy to love self, when we are surrounded by others who lead by example.

I am a fantastic friend and mother.  I feel easily, I love with an open heart and I know the value of listening.  I naturally accept the nature of others.  I do not need others to change in order for me to feel my value and self importance.  Being open minded and accepting is the way of our collective.

I am naturally curious and wonder many things.  I find delight in human behavior.  I like to understand how people think and process.  It fascinates me.  
Pleiadians are extremely creative.  We excel in the performance arts like: writing, music, storytelling, dance, teaching, singing, painting etc.

Being Free is one of the most important feelings for me.  I require freedom.  I do not like to be told what to do, or follow programs, rules and regulations.  I have natural knowing, I am free.

One of the most important reasons I incarnated on the planet, is to lead by example. 
Allow people to see my authentic self.  To be an example of someone who blocked their inner connection and did not experience self love. Learning to fall in love with myself is the most important thing I have done in this incarnation. I am a real, raw, original, and unique cosmic frequency.  I am comfortable claiming my multidimensional self.

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