Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I am a member of the Tribe Of Many Colors. Little Grandma suggested we start to wear our crystals day and night.

She talked about Mother Earth is being reclaimed by the loving people and her crystals. More information coming soon. I was curious to get more information, what and why?

This week I did energy meditations with my friend, River. I asked about the crystals, and why we should wear them day and night? I was shown an image of radio waves, or sound waves. We got the message that our crystals are holding our energies. When we meditate in private or with groups our crystals are 'hearing' our thoughts and they communicate with the other crystals around the Universe. They are inter exchanging all of our frequencies and helping us all to integrate. Our crystals are our radio stations, connecting us to the Universal radio station. I even heard a DJ make some jokes. It all felt so Loving and fun!!!

I am in awe at how much information we are given when we have the intention to know. River and I seem to go deeper and understand more and more things with each session. We also, got the message, that we are going to start to hold the space for group meditations. Not sure how it is going to unfold at this point, but we are both hearing clearly the importance of sharing and holding the space for interactions with our star friends and our human friends.

1 comment:

  1. Wooo hoo! I am on the same radio station and picking up your vibes! It is time to begin.
