Thursday, December 16, 2010

Remote Viewing

A friend suggested before, I go to sleep, that I set an attention to allow the Pleiadian
star friends to do energy work on my body, and to remember the beautiful dreams.

I had a very interesting night's sleep. It felt like I was in a light sleep state all night.
At one point, I heard a verbal message, that said something like..."It's been done NOW."

Then I instantly saw, in my upper right side a TV, like square area. Inside this area, I saw detailed vivid drawings.
Extremely detailed. Drawings of animals. The drawings of animals seemed to appear and disappear so quickly. I recall seeing an eagle and a bear.

I recall feeling totally fascinated about how it was happening. I knew I was not asleep, yet I was in a groggy, sleepy state.

The next day when I was awake, I recalled the experience with great clarity. I knew I was awoke when I was given these visions. I am not sure what they mean? I am not sure if it a type of remote viewing? I am not sure if the animals had a specific message?

I know 2 people who have access to a TV box. They can look at this TV box and they have access to other worlds or dimensions. I wondered if I had awaken something like this? I wondered if I would start to see this square area give me more images?

So far, nothing. It feels like it was very powerful and important. Although, at this moment, it does not make sense, I wanted to track it by writing and recording it.

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