Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kissing Meditation

I had the most detailed, intense and vivid dream during the month of May ( I forgot to write the date down, I wish I had )

In the dream, I am kissing. Ok, now here is the twist to this story. Kissing was a type of meditation. The kissing never went to a passionate lustful state. The kissing was a consistent intense spiritual experience. It lasted forever, felt like hours. The pleasure and intensity never slowed down, or turned sexual.

I know you are thinking, how can kissing not be sexual? Somehow it was. It was sensual and extremely pleasurable, but not sexual. I knew it was some type of spiritual expansion.
When I woke up, all I could think of, is I have to experience kissing meditation in real time!

I told the dream to the gentleman I was kissing in the meditation. He didn't really grasp it, as it doesn't make much sense logically. I told him, I wanted to do this kissing meditation with him. He said, it would turn sexual. I insisted it would not. He wasn't interested in experimenting with me.

My feelings got super hurt. How could a such a good friend not be willing to explore and experiment with me? Then my ego got wounded, why would a male not want to kiss me?
I cried all day. The next day, I told my friend, he hurt my feelings. It was actually cool, as instead of feeling like I attacked him, he did a coaching session on me ( he is coach). I uncovered many thing about myself in that conversation. I have some beliefs that are separate.
For example, I intentionally keep parts of my life separate. My dating life is separate from my family life or my spiritual life. He made an interesting comment to me, that if I am a person who wants to expand....I can not expand as a whole, when I don't integrate all aspects of me.
It was big eye opening realization for me. I wasn't ready to change my beliefs, but I was definitely ready to look at my beliefs.

I think two night later, I had another dream. This time, I am sitting on the floor next to some male ( I am not sure who the male is, I never looked at his face). We are sitting super close in a meditation position, we are intertwined and facing each other. There is a female voice in the room. She is not visible, I want to call her Archangel Gabriel. She is giving us instruction for the kissing meditation.

First we must center ourselves and get into that altered state individually. She tells us, after we have done this, then we will intentionally blend into each others energetic bodies. The physical touching ( kissing) is the last step. She said it is a very advanced step. She told us, most humans do not do step one or step two, they rush right to step three. In the process of skipping step one and step two, they dumb down the physical experience. Humans think because they are touching and so close physically, that they are connected.

I thought this activity was going to be super easy for me. I can get into my own altered sate super easily.
I tried to do it, but I was unable! I was getting frustrated. She was telling me, the body of the person next to me was disturbing my connection with myself. She was not surprised I could not do it. She said it was going to take time to learn how to develop this type of blending.

I woke up next day annoyed. I could not believe I was so incapable of this activity.

You will never in a million years guess what unfolds next? I am still in complete shock over it!
I had recently found a gentleman online that channels star friends. I instantly loved him, and felt like he was apart of my family. I happened to see he had a youtube called 'Gabriel'....I was totally drawn to it, as, I had just had this dream last night about Gabriel and now I see the name on his youtube page.

You will never believe it!!! It is a video he made January 2011. The message is the very similar to my dream. Angel Gabriel is discussing blending energies with one another and he gives an activity, to practice in order to learn how to blend energies. He says exact message I experienced, that blending energies is difficult and challenging at first.

Here is his youtube video, click here.

It feels like there is going to be more downloads and information about kissing meditations.

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