Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Law Of Mutual Benefit

Last night while in meditation I received an interesting piece of information, that felt extremely logical.

My guide said, in the other dimensions, they are governed by a law of mutual benefit. A connection or agreement between 2 or more individual will be of benefit to everyone.
There is a give and take, or listen and talk. It is not all one sided. Others are conscious of the team or group arrangement.

This made perfect sense to me.
Have you noticed that some of your best relationships come from situation where there is a balance of give and take? The overall relationship supports and inspires the whole.
I have found I am most attracted to people who participate in this overall balance of one another. Each individual creates and supports a harmony. Like a puzzle fitting together perfectly.

I find sometimes, I get annoyed by people who only talk about themselves. Like they forget there are 2 people in this relationship. It feels so lopsided when one consistently talks only about themselves. I find I am turned off to these type of relationships, and I find myself pulling away.

My guide shared that with time, as all of us evolve more spiritual, we will recall the importance of the mutual benefit law. They encouraged me to look at people with an insight, that some have just temporarily forgotten that law. They suggested that as I evolve more, it will be easier for me to see others with more love and understanding.

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