Later in my journey of intentionally falling in love with myself, I thought of the marriage vows.
"I promise to love you no matter what. I promise to be there for you, no matter what." I thought to myself, the person I want to make a promise of unconditional love (love with no conditions) is to myself. I got the brilliant idea I want to marry myself. Who better to build and create this solid, unconditional relationship than myself?
I started to plan my wedding and told people about my engagement. Some people laughed, but others instantly could feel the vibration brilliance of self marriage. Becoming whole and complete as an individual.
I thought I it would be fun to gift myself with a wedding ring, have a ceremony and go on a honeymoon.
As I mentioned earlier, self love takes time to integrate. I didn't make purchasing myself a wedding ring a priority. There are other things to purchase and do that seemed more important. I decided to marry myself and not worry about the outside reflections of a ring or honeymoon.
This week, I have been relaxing into a deep state of feeling my worthiness. I have been relaxing into feeling the value of my being. As I relax into myself, I feel a sense of complete support on all levels. This new, deeper state of relaxing into my worth, has shifted my vibe.
Yesterday, I unexpectedly got some free time for myself. I had decided to play at the mall and hang out at the Barnes and Noble there. It is one of my favorite alone things to do. After the book store, I casually walked around the mall. I wasn't looking for a thing, just people watching. I decided to walk into one of favorite jewelry stores.
About 2 weeks ago, in December 2012, I was reading the The Lineage Of Light Code book. In the book, the females start their ceremonies (a tradition started by the mystery school) with 6 blue sapphires that are put into a form of the Star of David. This creates a portal to allow the women to enter into a sacred journey. These women are all apart of the female line or what I call, the Mary Energy.
I was thinking to myself, I should buy myself a sapphire ring. I went to one of my favorite jewelry stores online and checked out their sapphires.
The second, I saw this one ring, I instantly knew that is the ring I wanted for my marriage ring. Again I dismissed it, as I wasn't going to invest money on myself at that now moment.
Now back to yesterday at the mall, I went inside this jewelry store wondering if they would have my ring. I was shocked when I saw it in the case. I asked the lady to open the case, I wanted to try it. I told myself telepathically, if it fits, buy it now! Then I disagreed with myself and said no, you have not planned on this. My Self told myself, you are worthy. You are supported. You are master creator. Receive!
The ring fit perfectly. I went into some type of altered state of euphoria and instantly bought my wedding ring. I floated out of the store, feeling such reverence and love for myself. I called a friend and shared my fantastic news. She made a wonderful observation. The blue sapphires, represent the Mary Energy in the book. I Married my Mary Energy (get it Married and Mary). I united and merged with more aspects of my multidimensional self.
You can call me, Mr. or Mrs. BrightStar. I represent both the masculine and feminine aspects inside myself. I am blended and whole. I love myself and all my aspects without conditions!
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