Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pleiadian Workshop

I went to a 3 day Pleiadain Initiation. It was the best ever workshop I have participated in. The workshop was unique to me because it was all about hands on experiencing. There was little time spent in lecturing. I would say about 90% of the 3 days were about doing meditation like activities. I got to experience my own sensations, my own journey.

I have many stories to share about what happened to me during my 3 day workshop. To outline the atmosphere, I wanted to take one post to give a brief over view.

No one was allowed in the workshop during the 3 days, except participates. That meant no hotel staff or random hotel guest could enter into the space. The reason was because the space has been set as a special energy frequency.

The space was divided into 3 sections. Far left section was the Vortex. See crystal photo to get an idea. In this section we did vortex type meditation. In the middle section was a grid. We sat here during lecture part or after we recovered/rested from different energy work. The far right section was chairs of 4 set up facing each other to do formation work.

Each area had a special energy frequency to hold the space of the energy work we were doing. When you walked into the space you literally / physically felt different. I would guess there were about 250 participants.

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