Saturday, January 21, 2012

Channeling Subtle Consciousness

In my formation meditation, I looked to the right to connect with the Being there. I was unable to get a sense of who was there. This has never happened to me. I wasn't sure what to do, I went back to my center/neutral point. I asked if that Being could please come in stronger or louder. Or please have a new Being show up.

I attempted to look at my right side again. This time I saw Mini Mouse. I figured her message was going to be about fun, play and imagination. Instead, I saw her sort of fade into the background. Disney headliner characters replaced her. I realized Mini Mouse is sort of quiet. She doesn't showcase herself. She stayed more quietly in the background, almost as if she became invisible.

Then, I got it!!! The Being who was on my right, is Subtle Consciousness. Wow!! She was so subtle, I couldn't even notice her the first try. Her message was

She showed me a map, of my State. She compared the size / outline of my State to my Consciousness. She shared with me, if I would pay attention to the Subtle Energies, my Consciousness would really expand. The size of my State ( which symbolized my State Of Being) would grow and enlarge. Subtle Energies may not sit in the lime light. No major spot light on them, yet they are equally as powerful!

I had never paid attention to Subtle Consciousness before. It was not on my radar. I tend to see the big and bright lights/characters. This was a super eye opening! I realized the term "Eye Opening", actually means "Portal Opening" Thank you Miss and Mr Subtle

1 comment:

  1. Love this, Sabrina :-) And I love the approach you took in exploring this new area of expanding consciousness. Often, we want a name/resume for which aspect of Source Consciousness we are allowing into our experience and I understand that. I found the more open I am with allowing in Source, the more surprised I am at the vastness of the love, light and wisdom offered. Metatron is not one being as we define one in human terms. In the truest sense of the words We ARE All ONE... and yet I understand the challenge this presents to us from within our human consciousness. The less we bound and identify aspects of Source we allow into to our fields, the more limitless and vast the experiences we will be offered. Love and blessings to you beautiful Sister xoxoxo
