Thursday, January 5, 2012

Walking Into Your Mutldimensional Gifts

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you allow yourself to shine?
How much do you own your unique gifts and abilities?

I recently discovered I had in-congruent beliefs regarding the subject of mastering my multidimensional gifts. One side of me says, 'step into your mastery' ~ 'demand your multidimensional birth rights'. Yet the other side says, 'don't draw too much attention to yourself' ~ 'don't get too big, or there could be unpleasant side effects'.

I wasn't aware I had these inconsistent beliefs until yesterday when I had a reading with Jill Renee Feeler. During the reading, Jill was receiving information from my team, that I hold back.
She saw and felt my in-congruent beliefs. She was able to talk to me, in a way, that my opened my eyes in a new way. She said this one sentence to me, that instantly encoded me with a new understanding. ~ "When you hold back from owning yourself, you pull yourself out of alignment."

I instantly got it. When my focus is on what others think, I pull myself out of alignment. What others think of me, regardless if positive or negative, is none of my business.
I realized that my inconsistent beliefs were getting mixed up between what I think and what I think others are thinking. Sounds like nonsense.

I started asking myself questions. Why would I hold back? Didn't I come here for the best experience possible? Don't I want to be a whole hearted player? Why would I allow myself to get out of alignment, because of my worry of how others might perceive me?

I was gifted with a huge download of knowing, I am not doing anyone a service, when I hold back. I signed up to play here, first and foremost for my own expansion. I have a deep knowing the more I can master loving myself unconditionally, the more I expand pathways for the entire Universe.
As each one of us walks into our full self, there are many, powerful, side effects for the whole collective.

It was an eye opening experience to become aware of my limiting beliefs.
I was very, very impressed with the energy and gifts from Jill Renee Feeler. She has an awesome free channeled meditation & radio show.
Her youtube link is beacon4lightworkers.
Her website is Beacon For Lightworkers.


  1. That is so wonderful! Jill is awesome! I recently discovered her from your Facebook stream. :) <3

  2. I think that you are the amazing one, Sabrina, you are a natural born teacher yourself...:) you have so much wisdom within, i'm always amazed by your teachings.. so my wish for 2012 is that we all find our power within, our teaching potentials and that we fully become who we TRULY are in this embodiment:) I love you Ms. Sabrina:)

  3. I think the title of this blog post is apropos. We are walking now instead of flying, jumping or sprinting into our multidimensional gifts. Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world!
