Friday, March 15, 2013

Intergalactic Storyteller

When my multidimensional journey started in spring of 2010, I kept getting hits to record my experiences.  Track them in a written format, I heard.  I ignored the hits, as I didn't want to write.  The telepathic messages kept repeating same thing, 'track your experiences'.

I finally started a blog, May 2010.  To be honest, I was not very committed to it.  I would show up on and off sharing my experiences.  The Beings I talked to, tried to explain to me, the goal was not about finding readers to read my experiences.  The purpose was much different.  The purpose of recording my experiences was influence the Field.  When humans express their multidimensional experiences, it opens and enlarges the Field for other humans to access their multidimensional aspects easier.

When I started the blog, I wondered, what will I name it?  Bright Star, they answered telepathically.  These Beings I talked to, always called or sang to me, Star Bright.  I thought it was a cute nickname.  I didn't understand the meaning behind it.  At that time, my consciousness was not able to process that I am a Star.  Literally, I am a Star.  Over the years, I started accessing memories of being a Star.  The memories I am always alone.  Yet, I am not lonely, as I am in union with the orbiting Sun and the waters.  I am in union with everything.  I am not sure the name of this Star.  I sense this star is outside the Milky Way galaxy.
I liked my nickname so I agreed with it.  Sabrina Brightstar

A few months after I started blogging, I started to hear the term, intergalactic storyteller.  I knew it was a title to describe me.  I was not sure if it was a common term or phrase, as I was new to the multidimensional world.

In July 2011, I had a reading with Magenta Pixie.  She is the most loving human you can imagine.  Her reading blew me out of the water, as she was so spot on to my life.  During the reading, I shared with her, that I am an intergalactic storyteller.  What is that, she asked The Nine.  The Nine, showed her what the term meant, and what I do.  I loved that I got confirmation from this woman I deeply respected.

I assumed the term meant, I would be invited to go off planet and participate in other Beings cultures and lifestyles.  I thought I would observe their customs and cultures and tell their stories to humans on our planet Earth.  I assumed I would be invited to many civilizations and be their spokesperson, to bring awareness to their race.

I have been multidimensional traveling since 2010, yet I am always the main character in the experiences.  I have not yet been invited, as an observer to translate other races stories. I assumed it would happen when the time was right.

March 4, 2013, I had just read the book, Bringers Of The Dawn, by Barbara Marciniak.  The Pleiadian's were encouraging humans to come out of the closet and follow their agreements.  I was talking to my multidimensional aspects.  (What I had come to understand, I was never talking to outside Beings.  In 2010 and 2011, I interrupted the Beings I telepathically talked to were outside connections.  I was not able to process, that I was communicating with aspects of my multidimensional self.  That idea was too big for my mind to process, so I labeled them as separate Beings.)

March 4, 2013 I made a comment to my multidimensional aspects, that I was happy I was not in the closet.  I felt happy that I was able to live a life congruent with my multidimensional self.

You are not living as fully as you could, they replied.  What I asked in confusion.  I video blog, I share on Facebook  my work, friends and family know I am multidimensional, what else could I be doing I wondered.
Write your book, I heard.

No, I disagree, I replied.  I believe if something is the right time, it will unfold effortlessly and easily.  I had gotten a hit several months ago, that I will write a book called Multidimensional Imagination - Universal Language For Connection.  Yet, the book information does not come in often.  I get bits and pieces and I do not feel inspired to force it.  I believe forcing something is unnatural.

Not that book, they responded.  Then I was shown a book in my mind's eye.  The book cover was of a painting I had received in summer of 2012.  2012 I met a soul sister online.  She found me from my videos.  She is an artist that lives in the UK.  She connected to my energy and painted me a custom painting. She painted a Pleiadian woman.  Her first star race painting.  She mailed me the original painting.  It was an incredible experience.  I share the story, in the chapter called 'Ann - Pleiaidian Priestess'.  I saw the painting of Ann on the cover, with the words Sabrina Brightstar - Intergalactic Storyteller.

What?  I was confused!  What?  I thought I am a storyteller of other races and civilizations I said.  No, they responded, you are storyteller of your multidimensional experiences.  You share your intergalactic experiences!  I never saw this coming.  Yet at that exact moment the past 3 years made total sense.  All the experiences I wrote or vlog about.  The way I always date my experiences.  I realized in that nanosecond, I personally have more stories than anyone could ever imagine, as many of them I didn't record.  I have a huge arrangement of diverse stories and experiences.

I never would have guessed or imagined this unfolding.  I never knew 3 years ago, I was tracking information for my book.  I never knew I was co creating with humans and off planet Beings for my story sharing.  I never knew the painting from the artist in Uk, was for the book cover.  The orchestration and divine arrangement of this book, is more powerful and simple than I could have imagined.


  1. you are magnificent and here to do MAGNANIMOUS things~! thank you for sharing and being part of my experience, Sabrina -- i love you! xoxo
