Monday, March 11, 2013

My Team Of 3 Pleiadians

May 2010 ~ two days after I received, my first star lights display in the sky from the Pleiadians, I was lead to discover the book, Pleiadian Initiations by Christine Day.  In this book, Ms Day teaches a technique taught by the Pleiadians.  The technique teaches multidimensional travel.  The Pleiadians share, the human vessel does not have full ability to travel to certain dimensions without assistance from higher vibrational Beings.  The book teaches you how to work with a team of 3 Pleiadians.

At that time, I had never heard of multidimensional travelling.  I had no idea if it was easy or difficult.  I had no outside influence either way, as I knew no one who traveled multidimensionally.  I trusted the book, I assumed it was easy and therefore, I created an easy connection.  I instantly accessed my team of 3 Pleiadians to work with.

Almost everyday for many months I connected with my team.  We  connected to each other in a formation.  One Being to my left, one Being to my right and one Being across from me.  Like a square formation.
The team of 3 each had their own style or frequency.   

One day, I was at the lake by my house to connect.  I liked to walk in the water and start the connection, then I would go sit on this huge rock and finish the connection.  I was in the water, and I had put my cell phone inside my sports bra.  This is habit I had been doing for over a year.  I started to connect with my team.  The Being on my left said, "No - we can not start until you get that cell phone away from your heart space."  What?  That was the strangest thing I had ever heard.  The Being stated, I had cleared my heart space over the past 3 days and now I was creating negative electromagnetic waves in my heart space.  I didn't even understand what he was talking about, and I didn't care if my cell phone was in my sports bra.  "No - we will not start with you." - he expressed with a type of bossiness.  I was annoyed.  I finally surrendered and said, ok, I will stop putting my cell phone in my heart space, however, right now I am in water, let's just begin now and later, when I return to land I will remove my cell phone.  I was impressed with my compromising skills.
"No" - he answered.  The other 2 Beings were silent, as if they agreed with him, but didn't want to get involved.  I gave in.  I walked out of the water, got up to dry land where it was safe to leave my cell phone and removed it from my heart space.  I was kind of annoyed, yet to be more honest I was actually happy I had a bossy team mate.  It made me feel very confident my connection was real, as I would never even think about something like a cell phone being in my heart space.  It is not how my mind functions.  To this day, I have never put my cell phone any where near my heart space.

I never went back to water to connect, instead I moved on this huge rock where I can sit.  When I started to connect, the Being across from me said, today before we start, we are each going to share what gifts we bring to the group.  What is each one of our specialty?  The Being on my left started.  I bring boldness and assertiveness to the group.  He has a very direct, a little military like energy.  The Being on my right shared, I bring gentleness and nurturing energy.  She has a very soft, kind and androgynous vibration.  The Being across from me shared, I bring wisdom and balance.  His energy is very shamanic like, he feels like an ancient elder, except he is super gorgeous (I have a romantic crush on him).  He doesn't talk much, but you can feel his massive ability to hold space for the group.  Then it was my turn, what do I bring to the group?  I bring passion and enthusiasm to the group.  I have a natural excitement and playful energy.  
The Being across from me asked, what else do you bring to the group?  hmmmm, I wondered.  What else do I bring?  Then the hit landed in my field and I knew the answer.  I am the voice.  I bring communication to the group.  I can translate our experiences into the physical reality.

Later, I realized the wisdom in doing that process.  It really made me understand on a deeper level the importance of my role to the group.  It was not just them helping me, it was all of us as equals helping and supporting one another.  Everyone plays an important role and is valuable.  When we individually honor our pre-agreements, the whole group and collective benefits.

1 comment:

  1. I had read this story before, in your book, but still burst out laughing when I read, "I was kind of annoyed, yet to be more honest I was actually happy I had a bossy team mate." :) Feels so real. Love it. Thanks for sharing.
