Sunday, March 10, 2013

Stones Are Radios

One of the first telepathic messages that got dropped into my field was "stones are radios".  This happened spring of 2010.  I thought it was a strange and bizarre piece of information. It made zero sense to me.  

For some reason, I kept hearing in my head, "tell people, tell people".  What, I thought?  How do I share a message with people that makes no sense to me?

I felt like I was being tested - sort of like an initiation test.  Would I share this strange and unusual message?  I had a sense if I passed the initiation test, I would be given more information.

I decided to tell my sister.  My sister, Kathy, and I are close, so I had no concerns she would judge me.  When I shared the message with her, she instantly started laughing and making jokes.  She laughingly suggested I wrap rocks for Christmas presents.  When my family asked, why did you give us a rock?  I can tell them, no, they are not rocks, they are radios.  You can get rid of your cell phone and use your rock.  We laughed, it was funny!  Then she started making jokes about my needing a "white jacket".  That hurt my feelings, I had not expected anyone might think I am going insane.

A few days later, I was on a group skype call with a mastermind group I was involved with then.  We were each sharing, one by one, updates on our day to day experiences.  When it came my turn to talk, I kept hearing in my head, "tell them, tell them".  No way did I want to share this message with these women whom I really admired and respected.  Yet, when I opened my mouth to share, I told them I had gotten a telepathic message that stones are radios.  Silence.  No one said a word.  I could just feel the energy of the call changed, I felt so embarrassed.  Then one of the women, Tracy, says she thought it made sense.  What? How does it make sense I asked her?  She told us, she had read somewhere during the time of Atlantis they used stones for communication.  She thought it was crystals stones.  She suggested I google crystals and Atlantis.  I felt so relieved, not only did she save me from feeling like a major fool, she also gave me a piece of the puzzle.

After the group call, I googled the information.  You can not even begin to imagine my shock, when I found an article that explained how Atlanteans  used crystals stones as radio waves.  The article confirmed the exact message I had received.  My confidence and trust instantly started to increase.

I learned many important lessons from this experience.  One, I learned just because something does not make sense to me, does not mean it is not true or accurate.  I also learned the importance of co creating with others.  Our multidimensional family works together to help each other understand, digest and receive information.  Thanks to myself for having the courage to share the message, Tracy was able to give me an important piece of the puzzle.  We each bring important pieces of the puzzle and we all need to share what we sense or know, to help each other.  The last thing I learned and have really come to understand on a deep level is the importance of sharing or expressing information that gets dropped in our field.  When we share and express these insights, messages, sensing, and ideas, then we open up more space in our field.  If we dismiss and ignore these hits and clues, then our field stays full.  It is also an indicator of how ready we are to receive and evolve.  If we are not comfortable with insights or downloads that drop in our field, it is an indicator we are not ready to expand in our multidimensional journey.  In a sense a test is given, but what I understand today, the test is not given from an outside source.  The test is given from YOU.  An aspect of your multidimensional self is checking in with you to see if you are ready and available.

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