Saturday, September 11, 2010


Last night, I was visiting with a friend who has the ability to "see" things.

She was looking around my body, and then shared with me, the colors she "sees" around me.

She said, there are layers of colors she sees. She described 3 layers to me.

White with gold dots inside.

Hmmmm, I was so curious what does this mean? I checked out the internet to see if I could research anything about colors. I found this great site. It is so Fun to uncover new information!

Here is a definition of the my colors and their meaning.

White Hope, Faith, Purity or virginity, Perfection, Confidence, Enlightenment. Symbol of truth, protection, happiness, and the divine. Represents calmness, relaxation and inner peace. Brings Divine Glory. Cleansing, clairvoyance. Seeker of truth. Used to purify the home.

Spiritual Healing. Represents Faith, Constancy, Wisdom, Glory. Solar magic. Fosters understanding and attracts the power of cosmic forces. Symbol of attraction, persuasion, wealth, and financial wisdom. Blessing of home. Super conscious and spiritual truths. Eternal or spiritual Love.

Awareness, Healing, Prosperity, Peace, and Growth. Represents natural energy. Reduces stress. Restful. Generosity.

Wealth, Success, Prosperity and elegance. Unconscious Beauty

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