Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thoughts Are The Leaders

Interesting word selection.... "Thoughts Are The Leaders".

What is a Leader? One online dictionary defines a leader as
"a person who rules or guides or inspires others".

If your thoughts are the leaders, that would mean they 'rule', 'guide' and 'inspire' you.
Do you want to be a follower of your thoughts?
Do you want your thoughts to rule you?
Are you happy with how your thoughts guide you?

Would you re-elect your thoughts to rule your country or in this case, yourself?

If you do not like the leader, guess what? You can over throw the leader! You can remove the leader and bring in a leader of compassion, love and kindness. You can have whatever type of leader you want.

You are the only person who gets to control your thoughts! No one can force you to think about certain subjects. No one can force you to think specific thoughts. You have Free Will to think the thought that you want.

How much attention have you been giving to you thoughts?

The Star Be-ings of Love suggest we take our desires, and place them ahead of us. As if you are taking your desire from your head, you put it in your hands, and then you place that desire a few steps ahead of you. Energy will follow thoughts. Your energy will create what/where you thoughts are.

Here is a piece of the message I was given from my Star Friends.

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