Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Love Without Fear

Have you ever felt head over heels in love?

I had an interesting experience happen to me. When I experienced a past life memory, I also experienced an awaking to an intense love. It was as if I instantly fell head over heels in love.

"What is happening to me?" I asked my higher guides. I was given an answer about love. My team shared with me, that us humans have only begun to scratch the surface on what true love really feels like. They explained to me, that us humans, feel so much fear. We fear love, fear we might get hurt, fear we might be rejected, fear we might cause pain to someone else, and so on.

Love in other dimensions has no pain. No pain, allows them to love fully. Other Be-ings can love completely without fear.

This makes sense and seems simple. I am noticing as I feel these feelings of intense love, I am able to feel it differently. These feelings that were activated inside of me, feel pure. I feel love without fear. I am not sure where this experience is going, but I confess, I am delighted to be riding this wave of love.

If you were to love someone completely, without any fear, what would that feel like?

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